
Coronavirus Live Updates: White House Braces for Jobless Rate to Soar Past 20% - The New York Times
Credit...Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

President Trump’s top economic advisers are bracing for the unemployment rate to climb above 20 percent in the coming months, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to stifle economic activity and wipe out jobs.

The unemployment rate leapt to 14.7 percent in April, the Labor Department reported on Friday — the highest level since the Great Depression — as lawmakers debate the next round of stimulus measures to buttress the cratering economy. Congress has already pumped trillions of dollars into the economy in the hope of propping up businesses and stabilizing financial markets, but the job losses show little sign of abating.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Sunday that the jobs figures would get worse before they got better. He said the real unemployment rate — including people who are underemployed as well as those entirely without work — could soon approach 25 percent.

“There are very, very large numbers,” Mr. Mnuchin said on “Fox News Sunday.”

The White House is encouraging governors to begin reopening their states safely but quickly. Mr. Mnuchin suggested that not reopening could cause “permanent” economic damage, ultimately posing a greater risk to the country than reopening.

“Unlike the Great Depression, where you had economic issues that led to this, we closed down the economy,” he said.

White House officials are considering proposals for another economic relief package, which they hope will include a payroll tax cut and provisions to protect businesses from liability for bringing employees back to work. But Mr. Mnuchin said more legislation was not imminent.

Kevin Hassett, a White House economic adviser, said on the CNN program “State of the Union” that the Trump administration was watching to see what effect the first reopenings have in energizing the economy.

“We think that we have a little bit of a moment — the luxury of a moment — to learn what’s going on,” Mr. Hassett said, “so that the next step can be prudent.”

Even so, Mr. Hassett predicted that the jobless rate could hit 20 percent next month, and he suggested that restrictions may have to be reimposed if coronavirus cases picked back up.

Despite the White House’s hopes, it appears increasingly likely that the labor market will take a considerable time to recover.

Neel Kashkari, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said Sunday on the ABC program “This Week” that outbreaks, lockdowns and returns to work would continue in phases over “a year or two.”

“The worst is yet to come on the job front, unfortunately,” Mr. Kashkari said, adding: “To solve the economy, we must solve the virus. Let’s never lose sight of that fact.”

Credit...Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times

In the latest sign of worry that the coronavirus could be spreading through the senior ranks of the Trump administration, three top public health officials have begun partial or full self-quarantine for two weeks after coming into contact with someone who has tested positive.

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, confirmed a CNN report on Saturday that he had begun a “modified quarantine” after what he called a “low risk” contact.

Representatives for Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Stephen Hahn, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, confirmed that they were taking the precautions.

The actions came as the Food and Drug Administration has approved the first antigen test that can rapidly detect whether a person has been infected — a development that promises to expand the nation’s testing capacity.

Unlike commonly available coronavirus tests that use polymerase chain reaction, or P.C.R., antigen diagnostics work by quickly detecting fragments of the virus in a sample. The tests can provide results “in minutes,” the F.D.A. said, adding that it expected to grant emergency clearance for more antigen tests in the near future.

Credit...Nam Y. Huh/Associated Press

With the U.S. economy in crisis, the coronavirus pandemic continuing to spread across the country and the search for a vaccine continuing, policymakers are on the Sunday news shows speaking about where the nation is headed.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, who recently announced a five-step plan to reopen his state, said Illinois was “going it alone” without counting on the White House for help.

Emphasizing that the state’s reopening would be slow and cautious, he said on the CNN program “State of the Union” that Illinois was preparing to begin a huge statewide contact tracing effort modeled on that of Massachusetts, with the help of an expert from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The governor said it could be running within the next few weeks.

Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms of Atlanta, who has criticized her state’s plan to reopen and asked her city’s residents to continue staying home, expressed concern that “many young people are out and about as if everything is normal” in Georgia.

She said on CNN that she had heard from corporate employees who were choosing to stay home, but that many vulnerable front-line workers were left with little choice but to return to work.

“We’ll see over the next couple of weeks what this massive health experiment — what the results are in our state,” she said.

Credit...Gabriela Bhaskar for The New York Times

The United States Postal Service employs more people than any government entity outside the military, and for many Americans, it’s the most familiar face of the federal government.

As Washington begins to battle over the next round of coronavirus aid, though, the Postal Service has landed improbably at the center of a bitter political dispute over who should be rescued, and at what cost.

Postal leaders and their allies have made unusually blunt appeals for support, running advertisements recently on President Trump’s favorite Fox News programs and laying out an urgent account of how the pandemic has had a “devastating effect” on the U.S. mail service.

Without a financial rescue from Congress, they have warned, the Postal Service, which normally runs without needing any tax money, could run out of cash as soon as late September, raising the specter of bankruptcy and an interruption in regular mail delivery.

Republicans and Democrats nearly reached a deal for a multibillion dollar bailout in the last coronavirus rescue package in late March. But since then, the two sides have diverged sharply over whether to provide a lifeline.

President Trump and his Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, have largely viewed the agency’s worsening bottom line as a problem of its own making. “The Postal Service is a joke,” Mr. Trump declared recently, announcing that he would not support any additional financial support for the agency unless it quintupled the rates it charges to deliver parcels.

Democrats, for their part, have positioned themselves as protectors of the agency. In the House, they are preparing to introduce a relief bill that would give the agency much of what it has sought, including $25 billion in cash and some debt relief.

“We have to fight for the post office,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said last week.

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Poonam Sharma Mathis documented her experience having a baby in New York City, just as hospitalizations and deaths from the coronavirus were starting to rise.

People who have babies coming soon are having to make gut-wrenching decisions: Is a home birth less risky? Who will take care of the children if your partner is with you at the hospital? Should you allow visitors to help with the laundry, or struggle to do it yourself to limit your exposure to others?

More than 800 expectant parents told The New York Times about how they are coping with giving birth during the pandemic. Most said they were riddled with anxiety as their birth plans had to change.

Five women who have just given birth, some at home and others in hospitals, shared their stories and offered advice for new parents: Connect with people. Try to laugh. Trust your own judgment.

“I’m grieving the postpartum that I could have had,” said Carly Buxton, 35, a market researcher in Virginia, who delivered her second child. “I had such high hopes for how I wanted to call on my village of support this time around. But instead, it’s all FaceTime kisses and waves through glass porch doors.”

As a postpartum doula herself, she recommends building virtual support networks anyway, even though it doesn’t feel the same during social distancing.

Credit...Werner Forman/Universal Images Group, via Getty Images

When will the Covid-19 pandemic end? And how?

According to historians, pandemics typically have two types of endings: the medical, which occurs when the incidence and death rates plummet, and the social, when the epidemic of fear about the disease wanes.

“When people ask, ‘When will this end?,’ they are asking about the social ending,” said Dr. Jeremy Greene, a historian of medicine at Johns Hopkins.

In other words, an end can occur not because a disease has been vanquished but because people grow tired of panic mode and learn to live with a disease.

Endings “are very, very messy,” said Dora Vargha, a historian at the University of Exeter. “Looking back, we have a weak narrative. For whom does the epidemic end, and who gets to say?”

Credit...Daniel Acker for The New York Times

On April 10, Tony Thompson, the sheriff for Black Hawk County in Iowa, visited the giant Tyson Foods pork plant in Waterloo. What he saw, he said, “shook me to the core.”

Workers, many of them immigrants, were crowded elbow to elbow as they broke down hog carcasses zipping by on a conveyor belt. The few who had face coverings wore a motley assortment of bandannas, painters’ masks or even sleep masks stretched around their mouths. Some had masks hanging around their necks.

Five days later, the plant was closed. Tyson said the reason was “worker absenteeism.” As of last week, the county health department had recorded 1,031 coronavirus infections among Tyson employees — more than a third of the work force. Some are on ventilators. Three have died, according to Tyson.

But the plant — Tyson’s largest pork operation in the United States, responsible for almost 4 percent of the nation’s pork supply — didn’t stay closed for long.

As meat shortages hit U.S. grocery stores and fast-food restaurants, political pressure built to reopen plants that had shut down because of virus outbreaks. An executive order by President Trump declared the meat supply “critical infrastructure” and shielded the companies from certain liability.

New safety precautions have been added at the Tyson plant, and now the question is: Will America’s appetite for meat be sated without sickening armies of low-wage workers, and their communities, in new waves of infection?

Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio, who is facing an open revolt among fellow Republicans, said he would veto a bill by state legislators that would limit his administration’s ability to issue a stay-at-home order lasting more than two weeks.

“I’ve made it clear to the legislature that if that reached us, and I don’t think it will, but I would veto that,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.”

Governor DeWine took aggressive steps in the early days of the virus to reduce transmissions but the state, which has seen its new cases and deaths stabilize, is still not meeting the federal government’s recommendations for reopening.

“We are really at a plateau with hospitalizations, we are at a plateau with deaths, and we are at a plateau in regard to new cases,” he said. “We wish we were going down — we’re not.”

Ohio has more than 23,000 cases and a growing hot spot at a prison in Marion. Still, with more than 1.1 million Ohio workers filing for unemployment over the past two months, Governor DeWine is under pressure to get the state back to work.

On Thursday, he announced that “virtually all retail” would be allowed to open by May 15 and restaurants would be allowed to open for indoor dining on May 21 as long as they adhered to guidelines like requiring masks and social distancing.

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As coronavirus cases spiraled upward in New York City, leaders of other big U.S. cities watched with worry, searching for ways to avoid an escalation that might overwhelm hospitals. In Chicago, the nation’s third-largest city, fear of explosive growth — the kind that overtook New York City, Detroit and New Orleans — has faded in recent days, but the Chicago area has faced its own stubbornly high numbers.

Cook County, Ill., which includes Chicago and its closest suburbs, has added more cases of the coronavirus than any other county in the United States on some recent days. On Friday, it added more new cases than New York City’s five boroughs combined.

“Watching a city of such global importance go through this absolutely horrific experience is so incredibly sad to see, but also of course a cautionary tale for the rest of us,” Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot, said of New York City.

She said she had conferred with mayors in many of the country’s largest cities in recent weeks. “All of us have to be prepared,” she said, “and thinking about, ‘How do we not become the next hot spot?’”

Credit...Rozette Rago for The New York Times

As a college semester like no other winds down, with bedrooms replacing classrooms as testing sites, professors are no longer able to keep a close eye out for cheat sheets and wandering eyes.

Into the havoc have come digital proctoring services, which, after years in tech’s niches, are suddenly monitoring hundreds of thousands of students taking millions of at-home exams in myriad time zones.

Privacy advocates are sounding alarms. Investors are taking note. And students are fueling demand with their own testing — of boundaries.

Yet while academic integrity is not a new concern in remote learning — in surveys, about one in three students say they have cheated in online tests, about the same as the proportion who admit to cheating offline — it’s not just students who are now cringing at the online monitoring.

“There has to be a better way,” said Sue Escobar, a professor of criminal justice at California State University, Sacramento. She said she would not use a webcam option that the university added last month to its online testing software, a step that she called “invasive.”

“Sure, we want to minimize cheating,” she said, “but how far do you go?”

Credit...Brendan Smialowski/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Elon Musk, the Tesla chief executive, clashed with health officials in California on Saturday over the reopening of the company’s factory in Fremont, with Mr. Musk pushing for an immediate return and the county’s government seeking a delay of about a week.

In a series of tweets, Mr. Musk said he would move the company’s headquarters out of California to Texas or Nevada. Tesla also took its fight to federal court, filing a lawsuit against Alameda County on Saturday. The company said “the county’s position left us no choice but to take legal action to ensure that Tesla and its employees can get back to work.”

The actions came a day after county health officials told Tesla that it was not yet allowed to resume production of electric vehicles in Fremont because of fears that the coronavirus could spread among the company’s workers. Manufacturers have been allowed to restart work in other parts of the state that have had less severe outbreaks.

Tesla, which noted that it was “the last major carmaker remaining in California, and the largest manufacturing employer in the state with more than 10,000 employees at our Fremont factory and 20,000 statewide” — outlined in a blog post its rationale for pushing to reopen, and detailed on how it plans to proceed.

“Frankly, this is the final straw,” Mr. Musk said on Twitter. “Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately. If we even retain Fremont manufacturing activity at all, it will depend on how Tesla is treated in the future.”

Credit...Brittainy Newman/The New York Times

The factors that made New York City the U.S. epicenter of the pandemic — its density, tourism and dependence on mass transit — complicate a return to any semblance of normalcy.

States like Colorado, Georgia and Texas have let stay-at-home orders lapse and businesses like nail salons and retail stores reopen, and New York State is anticipating a partial reopening this month, mostly in rural areas. But the city is far from meeting the public health metrics necessary to reopen, from available critical-care beds to new hospital admissions for the virus.

The virus has killed more than 19,000 people in New York City, a death toll that exceeds those in all but a small number of countries, or in California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan and Texas combined. While the outbreak is receding in the city, more than 1,000 new positive cases were reported on at least three days last week, for a total that now tops 181,000.

The key to reopening is containing the virus, and that will take a vast infrastructure of testing and contact tracing unlike anything the United States has ever seen, public health experts say.

How long might it take to restart New York City’s economy?

Said Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo last week: “Nobody can tell you.”

Credit...via Monuments Men Foundation

Motoko Fujishiro Huthwaite, part of a team of 345 people from 14 countries — collectively known as the Monuments Men and Monuments Women — who preserved cultural treasures and artworks during and after World War II, died on Monday in Taylor, Mich., outside Detroit. She was 92.

Robert M. Edsel, founder and chairman of the Monuments Men Foundation, said the cause was complications of the coronavirus.

Ms. Huthwaite was the last of the Monuments Women, who originally numbered 27. Richard M. Barancik is the last of the 318 Monuments Men.

They were immortalized in a 2014 movie, “The Monuments Men,” directed by George Clooney and starring him and Matt Damon. The movie was based on the 2009 book of the same title by Mr. Edsel and Bret Witter. Mr. Edsel is now writing a book on the Monuments Women.

During the war, a small, special force of American and British art historians, museum directors, curators and others started out steering Allied bombers away from cultural targets in Europe and overseeing temporary repairs when damage occurred. Their numbers grew, and after the war they tracked down more than five million objects stolen by Nazi Germany and returned them to the countries from which they came.

In the Pacific theater, their mission was chiefly to assess damage to cultural treasures, prevent looting and return stolen objects. In the course of their work they came across many works of art that no one from the West had ever seen.

This required a tremendous amount of inventorying and record keeping, which was where Ms. Huthwaite came in.

It’s easy to be stationary when there’s nowhere to go, and children tend not to respond well to formal workouts. Here are some ideas to help the whole family — from the youngest to the oldest — get up and move a bit more, without it feeling like work.

Reporting was contributed by Neal E. Boudette, Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs, Michael Corkery, Michael Crowley, Melina Delkic, Reid J. Epstein, Tess Felder, Emily Flitter, J. David Goodman, Rebecca Halleck, Shawn Hubler, Gina Kolata, Sharon LaFraniere, Michael Levenson, Ben Protess, Alan Rappeport, Michael Rothfeld, Michael D. Shear, Shreeya Sinha, Jeanna Smialek, Mitch Smith, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Ana Swanson, Jim Tankersley, Katie Thomas and David Yaffe-Bellany.

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May 11, 2020 at 12:03AM

Coronavirus Live Updates: White House Braces for Jobless Rate to Soar Past 20% - The New York Times
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